Changhua County land administration opening and changes
Opening and changes of Changhua County land administration in the 112th year
Data fields
Townships and cities、The number of employees/men at the end of the previous period、As of the end of the previous period, the number of employees/female、The number of approved business openings / registrations in this period / male、The number of approved openings for this period/Registered in this county/city/Female、The number of approved new business openings/transfers from other counties or cities/male、The approved number of new business startups/transfers from other counties or cities/female.、The number of business registrations/closures for this period/men.、The number of new business registrations/closures/female this period、The number of people starting a business/leaving for another city/male in this issue.、The number of new business registrations transferred to other counties/cities/female、As of this issue, the number of male employees.、The number of male/female employees as of this period.
Contact person
張聖彬 (047531526)
Update frequency
Every year
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
Primary data
Updated time
2024-06-05 15:30
Government statistics
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Land agentGovernment statistics
Authorization explanation website:
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