Organization structure of the Kaohsiung National Taxation Bureau, Ministry of Finance
1. According to the "Organizational Regulations of National Taxation Bureau in Each Region of the Ministry of Finance," this bureau shall have one director to oversee the bureau's affairs and command and supervise the subordinate agencies and personnel. There shall also be one deputy director and one chief secretary.2. According to the regulations of the bureau's "Procedural Rules," there are 10 divisions and 5 offices within the internal units, as well as 10 tax collection offices, which are dispatched units. In addition, in accordance with the aforementioned organizational regulations and the "Organizational Standards for Branches of National Taxation Bureau in Each Region of the Ministry of Finance," two branches have been established to handle the national tax collection operations within the jurisdiction of this bureau.
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Contact person
宮先生 (07-7256600#8135)
Update frequency
Irregular updates
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
Primary data
Updated time
2024-07-08 11:42
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