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Datagov Opendata Platform

Introduce the general damage of waste furniture, how to repair it by yourself, and the tools and materials you need. part1 (what tools should be prepared when repairing wooden furniture), part2 (how to identify different types of wooden furniture from the characteristics of wood), part3 (how to repair wood panel damage in wooden furniture), part4 (how to repair when drilling the wrong position in wooden furniture), part5 (how to repair the missing corners of wooden furniture's wood panel), part6 (how to repair slight deformation of wooden furniture wood panel), part7 (how to repair nail holes or scratches in wooden furniture wood panel), part8 (how to repair when nails are bent in wooden furniture), part9 (how to repair a damaged screw), part10 (how to choose sandpaper when smoothing wood panels), part11 (how to differentiate the use of iron nails), part12 (what to do when the screw is too long during assembly), part13 (how to repair when drilling the wrong hole during furniture repair), part14 (how to prepare for painting after furniture repair), part15 (how to use a brush when painting furniture repair), part16 (how to clean up brushes after furniture repair), part17 (how to differentiate paint materials when painting furniture repair wood), part18 (where to start painting wood when repairing furniture), part19 (how to properly store leftover paint from paint materials), part20 (how to convert measurement units when repairing furniture, such as measuring length and calculating area).

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