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Datagov Opendata Platform

"The source of the information is the River Restoration Network and the e-River website of this department, which was closed in July 2021, and this information is no longer updated. In order to strengthen the 'noun' as the main medium for the data linkage of the Water Resources Agency, a 'noun database' is used to establish a 'linked data' database. The River Noun Database integrates and plans to incorporate the content of related noun units such as the e-River website, the agency's global information website, the Taiwan River Restoration Network, the sustainable public engineering exclusive website, river regulations, and the knowledge group of e-River into the noun database. Using the functions already established on the knowledge service network, it consolidates various water resources data, collects and explores knowledge components, establishes a water resources knowledge repository, and links articles using the noun database. The data is currently being continuously updated. If the e-River knowledge base contains the 'noun' in the river noun, it will display a link to the 'noun' and link to the introduction of the noun database. The relevance between each river noun is particularly convenient for querying and retrieving data. The River Knowledge Service Network "Noun Database" uses keyword queries to utilize the "Water Resources Agency Government Publication Bibliography" data on the government's open data platform and link to relevant e-books of the Water Resources Agency."

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