Yunlin County Kindergarten Accident Injury Statistics (First Half of 2016)
Public information: Refers to various financial statistics, policy news, information services, laws and other related data sets.
Data fields
Garden number、Class number、Number of people、The number of people injured by lacerations、Fall injury cases、Number of people injured in falls、The number of people injured in a collision、The number of people scalded、The number of people injured by crushing.、The number of people injured.、Choking (asphyxiation) cases、Number of Poisonings、Number of people bitten、Number of foreign body entries into the human body、Drowning cases、Other times
Contact person
楊先生 (055322928;055322998)
Update frequency
Every day
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
Primary data
Updated time
2024-12-06 11:40
Government statistics
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Government statistics
Authorization description URL:
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