The consumption patterns of cardholders in the six major cities vary by income group each year.
Statistical income group cardholders' consumption patterns in the six municipalities (Joint Credit Card Processing Center)
Data fields
Years and months、Area、Industry、Annual income、Number of credit card transactions、Credit card transaction amount [New Taiwan Dollar]
Contact person
陳先生 (02-27191919#2737)
Update frequency
Every January
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
Primary data
Updated time
2024-12-06 14:52
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
TransportationFoodTainan CityConsumptionIncomeEatClothingLiveOkay.CateringOtherCredit cardAmountSwipe card.Livelihood consumptionNumber of pensCulture and EducationRecreationEducation and RecreationDepartment storeTaipei CityNew Taipei CityTaoyuan CityKaohsiung CityChargetransactionCardholderSix citiesAnnual income groupAnnual incomeTaichung CityAccommodation
1. Authorization URL: API documentation URL for OAS standard: Swagger-generated API documentation page URL: Industry categories: (1) Food: including food, Chinese and Western cuisine, Japanese and Korean cuisine, and snacks, (2) Clothing: including shoes, leather goods, clothing, etc., (3) Accommodation: including hotels, furnishings, and appliances, etc., (4) Transportation: including aviation, automobiles, and tickets, etc., (5) Education and Recreation: including medical care, education, sports, health care, entertainment, etc., (6) Department stores: including large-scale department stores and supermarkets, etc., (7) Other: Industries not included in the above categories.5. Regional codes: 63000000 Taipei City, 64000000 Kaohsiung City, 65000000 New Taipei City, 66000000 Taichung City, 67000000 Tainan City, 68000000 Taoyuan City, 10002000 Yilan County, 10004000 Hsinchu County, 10005000 Miaoli County, 10007000 Changhua County, 10008000 Nantou County, 10009000 Yunlin County, 10010000 Chiayi County, 10020000 Chiayi City, 10013000 Pingtung County, 10014000 Taitung County, 10015000 Hualien County, 10016000 Penghu County, 10017000 Keelung City, 10018000 Hsinchu City, 09020000 Kinmen County, 09007000 Lienchiang County.
Related datasets
- Total cardholder signing amounts and transactions by industry for each year's income group
- Consumption patterns of cardholders at different age groups in the six municipalities
- The spending patterns of male cardholders in various income groups in the six municipalities each year
- Total cardholder spending and number of transactions for men in various income groups by industry each year
- The spending patterns of female cardholders in various income groups in the six municipalities each year
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