The rehospitalization rate within 30 days after discharge for total knee replacement surgery (disease-specific indicator)
Experts suggest that three indicators can be used to assess the quality of care provided by hospitals for patients undergoing knee replacement surgery: the rate of surgical site infections (superficial infections), the rate of implant infections (deep infections), and the rate of readmission within 30 days after knee replacement surgery due to related issues.
Data fields
Annual、Medical institution code、Institutional Name、Special Contract Category、The number of readmissions within 30 days after discharge due to related issues、Number of cases of artificial knee joint replacement、Number of patients undergoing total knee replacement、Readmission rate、The number of physicians applying for artificial knee replacement、The average age of patients、The patient's serious illness rate、The number of patients with serious illnesses in the denominator、County and City、Township-based
Contact person
陳綉琴 (02-27065866#3006)
Update frequency
Every June
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2024-12-13 09:16
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Medical qualityArtificial knee jointHospital readmission rate
Authorization explanation URL: documentation for OAS standard: dataset resource ID: A21030000I-E3200H-001
Related datasets
- Revision after total knee replacement within 90 days- Depth of replacement infection rate (disease-specific indicator)
- The infection rate of wound within ninety days after artificial knee joint replacement surgery (disease-specific indicator)
- Discharged within 14 days after hysteromyoma surgery due to the readmission rate related to the surgery diagnosis (disease-specific indicator)
- The hospital readmission rate within 14 days after discharge for non-elective reasons. (Hospital-wide readmission measure)
- The case hospital readmission rate within 14 days of the Diagnostic Related Groups (DRG) payment system
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