National Health Insurance contracted institution fixed service hours
Compile the monthly list of contracted medical institutions for the National Health Insurance and upload it to the NHIA website under the section for browsing fixed outpatient hours at contracted medical institutions.
Data fields
Medical institution code、Name of medical institution、Department、Special Contract Category、Annual medical examination、Consultation day、Medical notes、Business conditions、Data set update time
Contact person
賴先生 ((02)2706-5866#2634)
Update frequency
Every day
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2025-02-05 07:05
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Field definition: 1. "Visit days of the week": A total of 21 bits, where 1-7 represent the opening hours in the morning from Monday to Sunday, 8-14 represent the opening hours in the afternoon from Monday to Sunday, and 15-21 represent the opening hours in the evening from Monday to Sunday. "N" open, "Y" closed.2. Contract type: "1" Medical Center, "2" Regional Hospital, "3" District Hospital, "4" Grassroots Institution.3. Business group: "1" Taipei Business Group, "2" North Business Group, "3" Central Business Group, "4" South Business Group, "5" Kaohsiung-Pingtung Business Group, "6" East Business Group.4. Practice status: "0" Open, "2" Closed, "3" Announced cancellation, "6" Closed for changing regions, "7" Moved out of cross-district business group, "9" Change of responsible person, "A" Termination of contract (suspended due to breach), "B" Non-renewal of contract (contract expired), "C" Hospital self-suspension.Authorization description URL: documentation for the OAS standard: set encoding (resource_id): A21030000I-D21006
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