National Health Insurance Contracted Institutions Specific Holiday Service Hours
Consolidate the information of clinics under National Health Insurance contract listed in the global information network of the National Health Insurance Administration Health Insurance Services Health Care Services Clinic Search Service Hours Search Service Clinic hours during long holidays.
Data fields
Medical institution code、Name of medical institution、Business unit、特約類別 translates to "Special Contract Category."、Special holiday、Holiday clinic hours - morning、Holiday clinic hours - afternoon、Holiday clinic hours - evenings、Institutional opening situation
Contact person
賴先生 ((02)2706-5866#2634)
Update frequency
Irregular updates
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2025-01-23 14:20
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Field description:1. "Holiday clinic hours": Each element represents the opening hours during the holiday period, with a default maximum holiday duration of 15 days. "N"Open, "Y"Closed.2. Specific holiday: Starting date of specific holiday.3. Contract category: "1"Medical center, "2"Regional hospital, "3"District hospital, "4"Primary care institution.4. Operating status of the institution: "0"Operating, "2"Closed, "3"Announced cancelation, "6"Closed due to relocation, "7"Transferred to another agency, "9"Change of responsible person, "A"Termination of contract (suspended due to breach), "B"Non-renewal (contract expired), "C"Non-renewal (contract not expired).5. Business unit: "1"Taipei business unit, "2"Northern business unit, "3"Central business unit, "4"Southern business unit, "5"Kaohsiung-Pingtung business unit, "6"Eastern business unit.Authorization explanation URL: documentation for OAS standard: ID for this dataset: A21030000I-D21007-003
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