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Datagov Opendata Platform

This dataset mainly consolidates the existing announcements of reservoirs, including reservoir name, reservoir number, recording time, effective capacity, dead water level, full water level, watershed rainfall, inflow, water intake, flood discharge flow, spillway discharge flow, total discharge flow, total outflow, and other data. This dataset is provided by various reservoir management units and the data source is the daily operational related data of each announced reservoir registered in the Disaster Emergency Response System of the Water Resources Agency's Water Resources and Disaster Prevention Center. The data provided by the database management system is mainly for providing the latest operational situation of the reservoir for various parties concerned with the water situation in Taiwan, serving as a basis for tourism, economic construction analysis, academic research, disaster prevention and flood prevention, and water resource allocation. The dataset shows the daily operational status of each reservoir, and various data are entered by each reservoir management unit before 9:30 a.m. daily (data for Saturday and Sunday are entered uniformly on Monday).

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