The Ministry of Education's interdisciplinary talent cultivation project for science and humanities has funded a list of interdisciplinary courses (101-104 years).
The Ministry of Education promoted the "Science and Humanities Interdisciplinary Talent Cultivation Project" from 2012 to 2015, with the aim of cultivating talents in social sciences, humanities, and science (SHS) interdisciplinary communication for university seniors and graduate students. The project developed problem-oriented, action-oriented, and research-based learning courses, and used in-depth listening, speaking, reading, writing, and interactive communication and exchange activities as learning methods. The implementation strategy included: developing interdisciplinary-oriented exemplary courses (or course clusters, programs) across schools and colleges, as well as school or college-based courses (or course clusters, programs) that address important social issues and implementing interdisciplinary-themed courses, course clusters, and program development plans. The course plans were divided into thematic course cluster development plans (Type A), micro thematic course cluster development plans (micro Type A), and problem solving or research-oriented professional course plans (Type B). The list is for subsidized projects for the academic years 2012-2014.
Data fields
Serial number、Fiscal year、Category、Project Name、Executing unit
Contact person
金小姐 (0277129102)
Update frequency
Irregular updates
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
Primary data
Updated time
2024-12-24 10:04
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
InterdisciplinaryProblem-orientedAction-orientedTheme-based curriculumSHS
Update frequency description: The project has ended and updates have been discontinued.License description URL:
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- Ministry of Education's List of Approved Projects for Cultivating Cross-Disciplinary Application Skills in Humanities and Social Sciences (Years 2015-2018)
- Ministry of Education's List of Subsidized Projects for Digital Humanities and Social Sciences Teaching Innovation over the Years
- List of grants received over the years under the Ministry of Education's Humanities and Social Sciences Interdisciplinary Knowledge Application Capability Cultivation Program
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