County and city statistics for aquaculture management types (including the number of fishponds, aquaculture area, and stocking volume) - tilapia
The provided data includes: county/city, number of fish ponds not filled in, fish pond area in hectares not filled in, in ponds not filled in, new stocking not filled in, number of fish ponds for fry rearing, area of fish ponds for fry rearing in hectares, in ponds for fry rearing, new stocking for fry rearing, number of fish ponds for fish breeding, area of fish ponds for fish breeding in hectares, in ponds for fish breeding, new stocking for fish breeding, number of fish ponds for intermediate rearing, area of fish ponds for intermediate rearing in hectares, in ponds for intermediate rearing, new stocking for intermediate rearing, number of fish ponds for adult fish rearing, area of fish ponds for adult fish rearing in hectares, in ponds for adult fish rearing, new stocking for adult fish rearing, and other field data.
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Contact person
余冠霖 (02-23835768)
Update frequency
Every 1 year
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2024-08-28 09:10
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Data archives
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Related datasets
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- The accounting report of the Agricultural Finance Bureau of the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan in the year 104.
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- The accounting report of the Hualien District Agricultural Improvement Station of the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan for the year 2015.
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