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Datagov Opendata Platform

In May 2014, the Executive Yuan requested relevant ministries to complete the connection of the round-island bicycle route by the end of 2015. The Ministry of Transportation, in conjunction with the Ministry of Education's Sports Administration, the Ministry of the Interior's Construction and Planning Agency, and local governments, completed the Round-Island Route 1 for bicycles. The main line of "Round-Island Route 1" is approximately 968 kilometers long, with bicycle-specific signs and markings at appropriate locations along the route to guide people in cycling around the island. Additionally, 122 supply stations have been set up along the route to provide rest and supplies for riders. For the consideration of riders who cannot complete the entire journey in one go (in 9 days), 11 combined transport stations (railway bicycle) have also been planned, such as Songshan Station, allowing riders to complete the island-wide journey in segments.

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