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Datagov Opendata Platform

Provide the 106-year 1705-line potential debris flow creek map (TWD97) download file, including the ID (number), Debrisno (debris flow potential creek number), County01 (county), Town01 (township), Vill01 (village), County02 (secondary county), Town02 (secondary township), Vill02 (secondary village), Name (name), Mark (landmark), Roadname (main road name), DW_number (conservation household count range), Potential (risk level), Length (creek length), R_area (area), Stra_1 (geology), Stra_2 (rock type), Mapid (1/25000 map number), Owner (management affiliation), Twpark (National Park affiliation), Twscenic (National Scenic Area affiliation), Type (type), Basin (watershed association), Sub_basin (sub-watershed association), Date_ (date), Note01 (note 01), Note02 (note 02), ANNO (announcement), Full (full county township village name), Debrisno_o (old potential debris flow creek number) and other fields.

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