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Datagov Opendata Platform

The 5-minute train in Zhongzhang District runs from Xihu to the banks of Dongluo River, a round trip of 7.2 kilometers that takes about 50 minutes. The train has tour guides who provide brief introductions to the history of the sugar industry, railway culture, and local agricultural products. The park features a railway culture area, sugar industry culture area, leisure service area, and outdoor activity area, offering visitors a cultural, leisure, and educational journey. The Xihu Sugar Factory tourist 5-minute train runs on fixed schedules on holidays and accepts group reservations on weekdays, with a minimum of 20 people required. In addition, from November 25, 2016, the Zhongzhang District also restored the "524 gasoline passenger tram", which now operates on a reservation basis on non-holidays. It is also possible to book the 346 steam train on weekdays, with separate costs for both options. For details, please contact the Taiwan Sugar Corporation Zhongzhang District 5-minute train reservation hotline at 04-8855868.

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