Tainan City Standard Housing Unit Price Table
This dataset provides the standard housing unit price table for Tainan City, applicable from July 2022.
Data fields
Total number of floors、The first class of use is steel frame, steel and concrete frame, or steel and reinforced concrete frame.、The second type of use-specific structure is steel frame, steel-concrete composite, or steel-reinforced concrete.、The third type of use structure is steel frame, steel frame concrete, or steel frame reinforced concrete.、The fourth category of use is steel frame, steel and concrete composite frame, or steel and reinforced concrete frame.、The first class of use structure is made of reinforced concrete or precast concrete.、The second category is of steel reinforced concrete construction or precast concrete construction.、The third type of use is steel reinforced concrete or precast concrete.、The fourth category of use is structured as reinforced concrete or precast concrete.、The first category of use is reinforced masonry.、The second category is for reinforced brick structures.、The third type of use is reinforced brick construction.、The fourth category is a reinforced brick structure.、Steel construction for various purposes with an area of over 200 square meters、Steel construction for various purposes does not exceed 200 square meters.、Various uses of wood or stone or brick、Various uses of earth or bamboo
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Contact person
吳小姐 (06-2160216#1323)
Update frequency
Irregular updates
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2024-11-08 13:00
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Property tax
OAS standard API documentation: https://opengov.tainan.gov.tw/Od/api/doc/od2 Swagger generated API documentation page link: https://petstore.swagger.io/
Related datasets
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- Tainan City Housing Use Category and Sub-Use Category Comparison Table
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- Property Tax Register Statistics in Tainan City
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