The issuing institution reports the amount and number of fraudulent transaction types.
Statistics on the amounts and numbers of various fraud types reported by card issuing institutions in our country (MOTO / EC, multiple swipes, lost cards, stolen cards, undelivered cards, fraudulent card applications, counterfeit cards) (Credit Card Union Processing Center)
Data fields
Years and months、Industry、Scam type、Fraudulent pens、Fraudulent amount [New Taiwan Dollar]
Contact person
陳先生 (02-27191919#2737)
Update frequency
Every January
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
Primary data
Updated time
2024-12-06 14:52
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
OtherCredit cardCredit Card Processing CenterUnionPay CenterAmountCredit card fraud patternsSwipe card.Number of pensECChargetransactionRelease CardsMOTOLost cardStolen cardUnauthorized application cardFake cardReport
1. Authorization statement website: API documentation website of OAS standard: Website for generating API documentation page with Swagger: Industry categories: (1) Food: including food, Chinese and Western dishes, Japanese and Korean cuisine, and snacks, (2) Clothing: including shoes, leather goods, apparel, etc., (3) Housing: including hotels, interior decoration, and electrical appliances, etc., (4) Transportation: including planes, cars, and tickets, etc., (5) Education and Recreation: including medical care, education, sports, health care, entertainment, etc., (6) Department stores: including large department stores and supermarkets, etc., (7) Other: industries not included in the above categories.5. Fraud types: (1) Lost card: the card is lost and stolen, (2) Stolen card: the card is stolen and used illegally, (3) Undelivered card: interception of new or replacement cards sent by mail and used illegally, (4) Unauthorized application card: using a card applied without the cardholder's authorization, (5) Counterfeit card: using a card made without authorization from the issuing institution, (6) MOTO/EC: unauthorized non-face-to-face transactions by the cardholder, (7) Fraudulent multiple billing: stores forge transactions using cardholder's card number, (8) Other: not belonging to the above standard fraud types.
Related datasets
- The issuing institution reports the amount and number of fraudulent transactions in various industries paid by credit cards.
- Foreign cardholders use credit cards in our country to make fraudulent transactions in various industries.
- The amount of fraud reported by each issuing institution
- The amount and number of credit card transactions
- Please pay the amount and number of transactions for various industry categories with a credit card.
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