Prepare the money
Also known as base money or monetary base, it includes the reserves of other monetary institutions and the currency held by the public, both of which are liabilities of the central bank and form the basis for the creation of the money supply. Changes in the base money will directly affect the availability of funds for other monetary institutions, and through their credit creation process, will have a multiplier effect on the money supply and society's liquidity after a period of time.
Data fields
period、Reserve Funds of Financial Institution - Calculation - Original Value、Financial institution reserve ratio - calculated - year-on-year growth rate、Financial institution reserves - cash on hand - original value、Financial institution reserve- cash holdings- annual growth rate、Bank Reserves - Deposits at Central Bank - Original Value、Bank reserve deposits - Deposited in central bank - Year-on-year growth rate、The currency institutions and the various departments outside of the China Post Savings Office hold the currency-calculation-original value.、The annual growth rate of broad money held by sectors other than monetary authority and Chunghwa Post across Taiwan was calculated.、Other departments outside of monetary institutions and the Chunghwa Post Savings and remittance have the original value of currency in circulation - currency issuance amount.、The currency-issuing authorities and the postal savings remittance department hold the monetary issuance growth rate in addition to various other departments.、Outside the monetary institutions and the Chunghwa Post savings and remittances department, all other departments hold currency- cash- original value.、The currency-issued-by-currency-institutions and the annual growth rate of cash in circulation held by departments other than the China Postal Savings bank.、Prepare currency - original value、Monetary Base - Year-on-Year Growth Rate
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Contact person
劉小姐 (0223571741)
Update frequency
Every January
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
Primary data
Updated time
2024-08-09 09:08
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Government statistics
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