International Balance of Payments Statistics - Financial Account - Derivative Financial Instruments
This includes derivative financial instruments such as futures, swaps, forward contracts, and options, whether for hedging or non-hedging transactions. Derivative financial instruments represent the amounts of income or expenditure after settlement.
Data fields
period、Financial Derivatives-Net Amount、Derivative financial instruments - assets、Derivative financial products - liabilities、Derivative financial instruments - central bank - net amount、Derivative financial products - central banks - assets、Derivative Financial Products - Central Bank - Liabilities、Derivative financial instruments - deposits with financial institutions - net、Derivative financial products - Deposit Money Institution - Assets、Derivative financial products - deposit-taking institutions - liabilities、Derivative financial products - government - net amount、Derivative financial products - government - assets、Derivative financial products - government - debt、Derivative financial instruments - Other departments - Net amount、Derivative Financial Products - Other Departments - Assets、Derivative Financial Instruments - Other Departments - Liabilities、Derivative financial instruments - other sectors - other financial institutions - net、Derivative financial products - other sectors - other financial institutions - assets、Derivative financial instruments - Other departments - Other financial institutions - Liabilities
Contact person
蔡小姐 (0223571752)
Update frequency
Every March
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
Primary data
Updated time
2024-04-01 18:10
Government statistics
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
International balance of payments statisticsGovernment statistics
Authorization explanation website:
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