Household income and expenditure survey - average per capita disposable income, consumption expenditure and savings of the fifth quintile group.
This dataset mainly includes total disposable income, total consumption expenditure, total savings, average disposable income per household, average household consumption expenditure, average household savings, and average household disposable income according to quintile groups of disposable income per household, average household consumption expenditure, average household savings, and other data (from 1976).
Data fields
Year、Disposable income - 100 million yuan、Average disposable income per household、Disposable income by quintile of household—lowest quintile—Yuan、The disposable income is divided into five equal groups by household- the second lowest income group- yuan、Disposable income by quintile of household - Middle income group - yuan、Disposable income by quintile of private households – second highest income group – yuan、Disposable income is divided into quintiles by household, and the highest income group is in yuan.、Consumer expenditure - billion yuan、Average household expenditure - yuan、Average household consumption expenditure by quintile of equivalent household disposable income - lowest quintile - yuan、The average per capita consumer expenditure of the disposable income by quintile - the second lowest income group - yuan、Average household consumption expenditure at the median income quintile group by the number of households.、The average household consumption expenditure of the second highest income group by the number of households in the different quintiles of disposable income- yen.、The average household consumption expenditure of disposable income by quintile group - highest income group - yuan.、Savings - one billion yuan、Average savings per household - yuan、The average household savings of disposable income by quintile of households - lowest income group - yuan、The average savings per household in the second lowest income group, as calculated by the disposable income of the fifth quintile, is X yuan.、The average savings per household in the middle-income group by quintile of disposable income.、The average household savings of the disposable income by quintiles of households - second-highest income quintile - yuan、The average savings per household in the highest income group of the disposable income in five quintiles of households.
Contact person
黃小姐 (049-2394069#2337)
Update frequency
Every year
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
Primary data
Updated time
2023-10-03 11:55
Government statistics
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Disposable incomeTotal consumer expenditureTotal savingsAverage disposable income per household.Average household expenditureAverage savings per householdDisposable income is divided into quintiles by household.Disposable income is divided into quintiles according to the number of households' consumption expenditure per household.Disposable income savings per household according to quintiles of household income distribution.Government statistics
Authorization statement website:
Related datasets
- Household Income and Expenditure Survey - Average Disposable Income per Household by County and City
- Household Income and Expenditure Survey - Average Household Savings by County/City
- Household Income and Expenditure Survey - Average Household Expenditure by County and City
- Household income survey - household decile group disposable income cut-off points
- Household Income and Expenditure Survey - Average Household Disposable Income by Gender of the Economic Householder
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