Statistical table of land value tax sources in Hsinchu City over the past 7 years
Provide the land value increment tax data for the last 7 years (unit: square meters, New Taiwan dollars).
Data fields
By fiscal year、Tax type、The number of pens、Square meters、Transfer current value into New Taiwan Dollar、The adjusted base price is in New Taiwan dollars.、The cost of improving the land is in New Taiwan dollars.、Total amount in New Taiwan dollars increased.、Long-term holding reduces taiwanese dollars、Check the amount in New Taiwan dollars.、Increase the land value to offset the New Taiwan Dollar、Redraw and reduce the new Taiwan dollar、Imposing a reduction of NT$1,000、Requisition Decreases New Taiwan Dollars、Other tax deduction of NT dollars、The amount of tax payable in New Taiwan Dollars
Resources download link
Contact person
彭羿鈞| (03-5225161#332)
Update frequency
Every year
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2024-03-08 14:41
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Land value tax
Related datasets
- Land value tax collection in Hualien County in November 113th year
- Taoyuan City's recent 5-year land value increment tax revenue statistics table
- Tainan City Land Value Increment Tax Assessment Number and Actual Tax Amount Statistics Table (by district)
- Property tax rate and calculation table for Tainan City
- Tainan City Land Value Tax Assessment Table
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