Population statistics for Hsinchu City
Provide the number of neighborhoods and residents, gender, population, migration, births, deaths, indigenous people, number of people under 14, number of people aged 15-64, and number of people aged 65 and above in each district of Hsinchu City.
Data fields
Years and months、区域别、mileage、Neighbor number、Number of households、Gender、Population count、The number of people moving in、Emigration figure、Number of births、The number of deaths、Indigenous people of the plains、Mountain Indigenous People、Number of people under 14 years old、Ages 15 to 64 population、Age 65 and over population
Resources download link
Contact person
郭姿君| (03-5216121#235)
Update frequency
Every 1 year
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2025-01-07 11:52
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Related datasets
- The number of births by sex, the mother's original nationality (region), age, and level of education (according to registration)
- The number of births is classified by birth order and maternal age group (according to occurrence).
- The current resident population by gender and place of birth
- The number of births is broken down by the sex of the infant and the age of the birth parents (by registration).
- The number of births by sex and single year of age of mother at birth (as registered)
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