Hsinchu City Legitimate Accommodation Information List
The Hsinchu City Legal Accommodation Information List includes the unified registration certificate code, hotel name, phone number, county code, area code, postal code, business address, latitude, longitude, total number of rooms, lowest price, highest price, food and beverage industry with external business operations, star rating.
Data fields
Serial number、Unified Registration Certificate Code、The name of the hotel、Phone、Mobile phone、postalcode、countycode、area code、Business address、Latitude、Longitude、Total number of rooms、Lowest price、The highest price、Having an outward-facing food and beverage industry、Star rating
Resources download link
Contact person
鄭博耀| (03-5216121#547)
Update frequency
Every 1 year
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2024-07-30 15:37
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Legal hotelBusiness tripHotelHostelHomestay
Related datasets
- Hsinchu City, East District Legal Accommodation Data Register
- Xinzhu City North District Legal Accommodation Information List
- List of penalties for violations of the hotel industry in Tainan City in the 108th year
- Tainan City Penalty List for Illegal Accommodation Businesses (Year 2016 to Year 2018)
- List of Taichung City's Illegal Accommodation Industry Penalties for the 109th Year
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