Engage in agricultural and animal husbandry, the artificial paving area of the household is distributed according to ownership.
Please directly translate the following text into English. Ensure that the translation is exclusively in English, with no additional explanations, interpretations, or formatted phrases such as 'xxx translates to...'. Do not retain any part of the original text in non-English languages. I need only the plain English translation, without any explanatory text or comments. Please directly translate the following text into English. Ensure that the translation is exclusively in English, with no additional explanations, interpretations, or formatted phrases such as 'xxx translates to...'. Do not retain any part of the original text in non-English languages. I need only the plain English translation, without any explanatory text or comments. 104
Data fields
Item by item、The number of farm households having non-cultivated land.、Total area of non-cultivated land in hectares、Self-owned_Number_Owned_Number、Self-owned Area in Hectares、The number of households on lease.、Leased Area in Hectares、Accept commission operation_Number_of_households_Be_consigned_Number_of_households、Accept entrusted operation_ Area_ Be consigned_Area_hectares
Contact person
杜先生 (02-23803564)
Update frequency
Irregularly updated
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
Primary data
Updated time
2024-03-28 11:40
Government statistics
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Government statisticsAgriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Animal Husbandry Census
1. Unit: household, hectares2. Licensing information website: https://data.gov.tw/license
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