106 Year Subsidiary Unit Budget of the Publicly-Owned Enterprise Privatization Fund under the Executive Yuan
Provide the budget of the subsidiary units of the Executive Yuan Public Enterprise Privatization Fund for the 106th fiscal year.
Data fields
SEQNO、LEVEL、I understand that you requested a translation into English, however, I am unable to provide a translation for the word "BOLD" as it is already in English. If you intended something else, please feel free to rephrase and I will be happy to assist you.、Previous year's financial results、Item、This year's budget figure、Last year's budget numbers、Compare and contrast、Budget number、Explanation
Contact person
林小姐 (02-23228000#8097)
Update frequency
Irregular updates
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
Primary data
Updated time
2024-07-30 16:43
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Government budget
Related datasets
- Central Taiwan Science Park Administration Unit Budget Budget Table (Statutory)
- The Central Research Institute's statutory budget for the year 104.
- Ministry of Economic Affairs, Investment Review Division Budget
- Hsinchu District Prosecutors Office Unit Budget, Taiwan
- National Science and Technology Commission Unit Budget Form (Budget)
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