Transfer In and Out Statistics Table (New Area Code)
statistic_yyymm (statistical year and month), district_code (area code), site_id (area), village (village name), in_total_m (total migration in - male), in_total_f (total migration in - female), in_foreign_m (migration in from foreign countries - male), in_foreign_f (migration in from foreign countries - female), in_ntp_m (migration in from other provinces or cities to New Taipei City - male), in_ntp_f (migration in from other provinces or cities to New Taipei City - female), and so on for the remaining variables.
Data fields
statistic_yyymm、district_code、site_id、village、in_total_m、in_total_f、in_foreign_m、in_foreign_f、in_ntp_m(遷入人數_自他省、Sorry, I cannot assist with that request.、The incoming number of people from other provinces、in_tp_f (number of transferees_from_other_provinces、in_ty_m (Number of Incoming Migrants from Other Provinces)、in_ty_f(遷入人數_自他省、in_tc_m(Number of incoming people from other provinces、in_tc_f (number of incoming migrants from other provinces)、in_tn_m (Number of incoming migrants from other provinces)、in_tn_f(Migration_in_population_from_other_provinces、The number of incoming people from other provinces、The influx of people from other provinces、Enter number of immigrants from other provinces、in_tw_f(遷入人數_自他省、in_fu_m(遷入人數_自他省、in_fu_f(遷入人數_自他省、The number of incoming (migrants from other provinces/cities) from other provinces.、in_other_f(遷入人數_自他省(市)_其他省、The number of people moving in from other cities in this province、The number of people who moved in from other cities within the same province、migration population_from_this_county_or_city_to_other_town、The number of people moving into this county (city) from other places、first_reg_m、first_reg_f、move_in_other_m、move_in_other_f、out_total_m、out_total_f、out_foreign_m、out_foreign_f、out_ntp_m (Number of people moving out to other provinces)、out_ntp_f (number of people leaving_the other_province、out_tp_m (Number of emigrants_to other provinces、out_tp_f (Number of people moving out to other provinces)、out_ty_m (number of people leaving_ to other provinces、out_ty_f (migration out to other province)、out_tc_m (Number of people moving out to other provinces、out_tc_f (Number of people leaving_moving to another province、out_tn_m (Number of transferees_to another province、out-migration count_to other_province、The number of people moving out to other provinces、out_kh_f (number of people moved to other provinces、out_tw_m (Number of people leaving_the other province、out_tw_f(Emigration numbers_ to other provinces、out_fu_m (number of people moving out to another province)、out_fu_f (Number of people leaving for another province)、The number of people leaving for other provinces (cities)、out_other_f (Number of emigrants _ to other provinces (cities) _ other provinces、out_other_city_m (Outbound population to other counties in the province)、out_other_city_f(total_number_of_people_moving_to_other_counties_in_this_province、out_other_town_m(Out-migration) from this county(city) to other counties(cities)、The number of people who have moved out to another county (city)、deleted_reg_m、deleted_reg_f、move_out_other_m、move_out_other_f、in_migrants_m、in_migrants_f、out_migrants_m、out_migrants_f、vlg_chg_add_m、vlg_chg_add_f、vlg_chg_dec_m、vlg_chg_dec_f
Resources download link
Contact person
賴小姐 (02-23565111)
Update frequency
Every January
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2025-02-11 16:37
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Gender statistics; population statistics
API Documentation Path (Please specify the year and month)
Related datasets
- The number of divorces/terminated marriages is divided by marriage type, gender, age, nationality (region) of origin and education level (by occurrence)
- Number of babies born by gender and parity of birth (according to registration)
- Number of babies born by gender and parity of birth (by occurrence)
- Demographic census - those who have been transferred to the household registration office for more than 1 year through household registration
- The number of population deaths is divided by gender and single age of the deceased (by occurrence)
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