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Datagov Opendata Platform

Since 1973, the Ministry of Justice's "Criminal Research Center" has annually compiled the book "Crime Status and Its Analysis," which consolidates important statistical data on the government's handling of criminal cases and provides explanatory text. Due to its long history and detailed content, it has been an important reference for academia in the study of criminal policy and criminology, as well as a crucial reference for the practical understanding of the overall crime issues within the country and the formulation of relevant crime prevention strategies. In order to enhance the depth and breadth of research and analysis in "Crime Status and Its Analysis," it has gradually aligned with international crime prevention research. This study takes into account the statistical systems and content of advanced countries to address the crime situation in Taiwan in 2016 from the perspective of criminal policy and criminology. Through systematic collection and analysis of government statistical data, the study aims to achieve four main objectives: (1) strengthen the international orientation and communication aspect; (2) deepen the depth of research and analysis, in line with societal needs; (3) enhance data and chart interpretation tools to promote research and analysis functions; (4) propose specific policy recommendations as references for government administration.

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