The relevant statistical indicators of cross-strait economic and trade exchanges - cross-strait investment: the number and amount of investment from mainland China accounted for the proportion of overseas Chinese capital (including mainland Chinese capita
Provide relevant indicators for economic and trade exchanges between the mainland of China and Taiwan for the reference of the general public.
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Contact person
鄧先生 (02-23165300#5833)
Update frequency
Irregular updates
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
Primary data
Updated time
2024-11-21 15:30
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Dataset Category
Data archives
Cross-strait economic and trade exchanges
No longer updating
Related datasets
- Cross-Strait Economic and Trade Exchange Related Statistics Indicators Cross-Strait Financial Transactions: Number and Balance of Taiwan Bonds Issued by Mainland Banks in Circulation
- Cross-Strait Economic and Trade Exchange Statistics - Mainland China's Economy: Proportion and Growth Rate of Various Expenditures in Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
- Cross-strait economic and trade exchange related statistical indicators - Cross-strait investment: The proportion of Taiwan's investment in mainland China relative to investments in other regions
- Cross-strait economic and trade-related statistics indicators - Cross-strait investment flows: The proportion of Mainland Chinese investment in Taiwan relative to our country's fixed capital formation ratio
- Cross-Strait Economic and Trade Exchange Relevant Statistical Indicators - Cross-Strait Financial Interactions: Cross-Strait Financial Participation Situation
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