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The Taitung Sugar Factory was built in 1913 and was managed by the Taitung Meiji Sugar Company during the Japanese colonial period. In 1996, sugar production ceased due to environmental changes. With the recent trend of reusing historical sites and vacant spaces, the Taitung Sugar Factory, with its long history and various cultural advantages, has been revitalized to provide a sightseeing and leisure tourism spot for the public. Cherishing and preserving the local sugar industry culture, it has great potential for space revitalization, thereby driving the prosperity of the Taitung region.The Taitung Cultural Heritage Museum was originally a sugar warehouse (built in 1931). In December 2004, it was renovated and established as the "Taitung Cultural Heritage Museum," which opened on April 22, 2006. The museum exhibits include sugar production equipment, inspection tools, administrative items, and old photos of the sugar industry (sugarcane plantation, cultivation, harvesting, transportation, and sugar production process).

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