Taiwan Sugar Corporation - ShanHua and Huwei Sugar Factories Annual Electricity Generation Statistics Table
The company underwent organizational changes in the year 92 of the Republic of China and adopted a divisional structure. It currently oversees the Xiaogang Refinery and two self-owned sugar refineries in Huwei and Shanhua.Introduction to the self-owned sugar refineries:Shanhua Refinery: The farm division oversees the domestic raw material sections of the farm as well as Shanhua and Nanjing raw material sections, with a combined sugarcane area of 5,834 hectares and a raw sugarcane production of 265,000 metric tons. Sugar production: The refinery uses the lime method to produce local second-grade sugar with a daily raw material pressing capacity of 2,900 metric tons and an annual sugar production of over 20,000 metric tons.Huwei Refinery: The farm division of the refinery oversees the Huwei raw material section (including Dali, Douliu, Dongshi, Taishi, Xihu, Huwei, Dayou, Magong, Longyan, Mayuan, and Gouziba farms), the Xihu raw material section (including Dapaisha, Wanhing, Yong'an, and Erlin farms), and the Beigang raw material section (including Beigang, Gangmei, Shuilin, Xingang, Fanzaigou, Xialiao, Dahuo, and others), with a combined sugarcane area of 5,803 hectares and a raw sugarcane production of 304,000 metric tons (including self-cultivation and hired cultivation).Sugar production: The refinery uses the lime method to produce local second-grade sugar with a daily raw material pressing capacity of 3,100 metric tons and an annual sugar production of over 20,000 metric tons.
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吳瑞祥 (06-3378560)
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2024-09-03 10:20
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