Number of drug suspects in Taichung City - by crime method and education level
Statistics on the methods and educational levels of drug cultivation crimes in Taichung City
Data fields
Category、Total、A total of 1、A total of 2、Manufacturing or planting、Manufacture or plant 1、Manufacturing or planting 2、Transport、Transportation 1、Transportation 2、Sell、Sell 1、Sell 2、Intent to sell、Intend to sell 1、Intent to sell 2、Illegal use of force and coercion.、Forced rape, extortion and other illegal use by personnel.、Rape, coercion, and other illegal use of force by individuals.、Inducing others to use、Entice others to use 1、Entice others to use 2、Transfer、Transfer 1、Transfer 2、Apply、Apply 1、Applying 2、Hold、Hold 1、Hold 2、Other、Other 1、Other 2、Subtotal、Subtotal 1、Subtotal 2、Manufacturing、Manufacture 1、Manufacture 2、Transportation 3、Transportation 4、Transportation 5、Sell 3、Sell 4、Sell 5、Intent to sell 3、Intend to sell 4、Intent to sell 5、The illegal use of force, coercion, etc. by individuals.、Forced sexual assault and other illegal use by individuals.、Forced assault, coercion, and other illegal use of personnel by 5 individuals、Entice others to use 3、Entice others to use 4、Entice others to use 5、Transfer 3、Transfer 4、Transfer 5、Apply 3、Apply 4、Apply 5、Hold 3、Hold 4、Hold 5、Other 3、Any other 4、Other 5、Subtotal 3、Subtotal 4、Subtotal 5、Manufacture or cultivate 3、Manufacturing or planting 4、Manufacture or plant 5、Transportation 6、Transport 7、Transportation 8、Sell 6、Sell 7、Sell 8、Intent to sell 6、Intend to sell 7、Intention to sell 8、Sexual assault, coercion, and other illegal use of force by individuals.、Rape, coercion, and other illegal use of force by a perpetrator.、Rape, extortion, and other illegal use of force against people are carried out by 8 people.、Rape, coercion and other illegal use of persons, person 9.、Rape, coercion, and other illegal use of force by a person under 10.、Entice others to use 6、Transfer 6、Transfer 7、Transfer 8、Application 6、Apply 7、Apply 8、Hold 6、Hold 7、Hold 8、Other 6、Other 7、Other 8、Subtotal 6、Subtotal 7、Subtotal 8、Manufacturing 3、Production 4、Manufacturing 5、Transportation 9、Transport 10、Transportation 11、Sell 9、Sell 10、Sell 11、Intent to sell 9、Intended to sell 10、Intended to sell 11、Forced rape and other illegal use of persons by persons under the age of 11、Rape, coercion, and other illegal use of power by a person over 12 years old、Rape, coercion, and other illegal use of force by the perpetrator.、Entice others to use 7、Entice others to use 8、Entice others to use 9、Transfer 9、Transfer 10、Transfer 11、Hold 9、Hold 10、Hold 11、Other 9、Other 10、Other 11、Subtotal 9、Subtotal 10、Subtotal 11、Manufacture 6、Manufacturing 7、Manufacture 8、Transport 12、Transportation 13、Transportation 14、Sell 12、Sell 13、Sell 14、Intention to sell 12、Intended to sell 13、Intended to sell 14、Illegal use of force and coercion by individuals applies 14、Rape, coercion, and other illegal use of force by individuals aged 15 and above、Rape, coercion, and other illegal use of human subjects under 16 years of age、Entice others to use 10、Entice others to use 11、Entice others to use 12、Transfer 12、Transfer 13、Transfer 14、Hold 12、Hold 13、Hold 14、Other 12、Others 13、Other 14、Non-grade.、Non-fourth-level other 1、Non-level 4 other 2
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Contact person
石世楠 (0423286981)
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Open Government Data License, version 1.0
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Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2024-08-26 13:24
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Dataset Category
Data archives
Criminal caseDrugs
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