Taichung City Government Police Department's List of Air-raid Shelter Facilities Under Management
The Taichung City Government Police Department has released a list of statistics on managed air raid shelters for public inquiry.1. Scope and Object of Statistics: The statistics cover air raid shelters within the jurisdiction of this agency.2. Statistical Standard Time: Based on the facts at the end of March, June, September, and December each year.3. Classification Standard: In accordance with the regulations of the air raid shelter management and maintenance procedures, including underground shelters, air raid shelters, air raid pits, air raid shelters, air raid trenches, and emergency shelters.4. Definition (or Explanation) of Statistical Items: (1) Basement: Refers to the basement and semi-basement below the lower floors of ordinary houses, used for air raid shelters. (2) Air raid shelter: Refers to air raid shelters in general institutions, factories, and hillsides that are available for staff or pedestrians to take shelter during wartime. (3) Other subjects are established based on different construction types, all of which have air raid shelter functions.5. Data Collection Methods and Compilation Procedures: During normal times, each sub-station will record relevant air raid shelter equipment within its jurisdiction in an official register. After the end of each quarter, based on the registration data, a report on the "Air Raid Shelter Equipment" will be compiled and submitted to the supervisory sub-bureau for review and compilation.
Data fields
District、Total capacity、Number of basements、Basement capacity、Number of air-raid shelters、Air Raid Shelter Capacity、Number of air-raid shelters、Air-raid shelter capacity、Quantity of air defense emplacements、Air-raid shelter capacity、Number of air-raid shelters、Air raid shelter capacity、Number of emergency shelters、Emergency shelter capacity
Resources download link
Contact person
張尚偉 (04-22222086)
Update frequency
Every March
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2024-12-18 15:39
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Police station
T aichung City Government OAS API Standard Documentation: https://datacenter.taichung.gov.tw/swagger/yaml/387130000C, Swagger generates the API documentation page URL: https://datacenter.taichung.gov.tw/swagger/api-docs/
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