The population of indigenous people of each age in Taichung City
The number of indigenous people in each district of Taichung City by age,Check the data for each year at the URL and add the parameter after "Year" (ROC year),Check the data for each year at the URL and add the parameter after "Month" (month),For example: Year112&Month05 is to check the data for May 112th year.URL:
Data fields
Difference、Separate、Gender、0 years old in total、0 years old flat、0-year-old mountain、1 year total、1 year flat、1 year old mountain、2 years old in total、2 years old flat、2-year-old mountain、3 years old total、3 years old plain ground、3-year-old mountain、4 years old total、4 years old flat、4-year-old mountain、5 years old combined、5-year-old level ground、5-year-old mountain、6 years old total、6 year old flat land、6 years old mountain、7 years old in total、7 years flat、7-year-old mountain、8 years old in total、8 years old flat ground、8-year-old mountain、9-year-old total、9 years old flat ground、9-year-old mountain、10 years old total、10 years old flat ground、10-year-old mountain、11 years old、11 years old flat、11-year-old mountain、12 years old total、12 years old, flat ground、12-year-old mountain、13 years old total、13 years old flat ground、13-year-old mountain、14 years old combined、14 years old flat ground、14 years old mountain、15 years old in total、15 years old, flat land、15-year-old mountain、16 years old、16 years old plain地、16 years old mountain、17 years old in total、17 years old flat land、17-year-old mountain、18 years old in total、18 years old flat land、18岁山地、19 years old in total、19 years old flat land、19-year-old mountain、20 years old total、20 years old flat land、20 years old mountain、21 years old total、21 years old, flat ground、21-year-old mountain、22 years old in total、22 years old ground、22-year-old mountain、23 years old total、23 years old flat land、23-year-old mountain、24 years old total、24 years old平地、24 years old mountain、25 years old in total、25 years old, flat ground、25 years old mountain、26 years old in total、26 years old plain ground、26-year-old mountain、27 years old total、27 years old.、27 years old, mountain area、28 years old total、28 years old, flat land、28 years old mountain、29 years old total、29 years old plain land、29 years old mountain the、30 years old total、30 years old平地、30 years old mountain、31 years old total、31 years old plain地、31 years old mountain、32 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ground、78 years old mountain、79 years old in total、79 years old flat land、79-year-old mountain、80 years old combined、80-year-old flat land、80-year-old mountain、81 years old、81 years old, flat land、81-year-old mountain、82 years old in total、82 years old plain、82 years old mountain、83 years old total、83 years old flat land、83 years old mountain、84 years old in total、84 years old flat land、84 years old mountain、85 years old in total、85 years old flat land、85-year-old mountain、86 years old in total、86 years old flat land、86-year-old mountain、87 years old combined、87 years old flat land、87 years old mountain、88 years old in total、88 years old, plain area、88-year-old mountain、89 years old、89 years old, flat地、89-year-old mountain、90 years old in total、90 years old flat land、90-year-old mountain、91 years old combined、91 years old.、91 years old mountain、92 years old in total、92 years old flat land、92-year-old mountain、93 years old in total、93 years old plain ground、93-year-old mountain、94 years old in total、94 years old flat land、94 years old mountain、95 years old total、95 years old, plain ground、95-year-old mountain、96 years old total、96 years old plain land、96 years old mountain area、97 years old in total、97 years flat、97-year-old mountain、98 years old in total、98 years old, flat land、98 years old mountain、99 years old in total、99 years old flat land、99-year-old mountain、100 years and older total、100 years old or above on flat ground、100 years old or above mountainous area
Resources download link
Contact person
高瑜婷 (04-2289111#29405)
Update frequency
Every February
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2024-12-17 17:47
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Indigenous peopleSingle age
Taipei City Government OAS Standard API Documentation: Swagger generates the API documentation page URL:
Related datasets
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