List of medical institutions in Taichung City for the flu vaccine contract
The public can check the contract hospital information for flu and choose the outpatient service hours provided by the hospital.
Data fields
Difference、Medical institution name、Address (including county, city, township)、Contact phone、Reservation method、Weekday outpatient hours (day/time)、Provide self-paid vaccines、Publicly Funded Vaccines Medical Costs Charges (Children)、Public Vaccine Medical Expenses Charges (Seniors Over 65)、Publicly funded vaccine medical expense charges details (adults aged 50-64 with high-risk chronic diseases)、Public expense vaccine medical expenses charged items (major patients and 19-49 chronic patients)、Publicly funded vaccine medical expense charge details (for pregnant women and parents of infants under 6 months)、Other vaccination related medical expenses
Resources download link
Contact person
蔡佳慈 (25265394+3532)
Update frequency
Every year
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2024-08-27 13:09
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Publicly funded vaccinesFlu vaccineContract hospitalGeographical data
The API documentation for the Taichung City Government OAS standard:, generates the Swagger API documentation page URL:
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