Taichung City Water Resources Bureau Pumping Station
The Taichung City Water Resources Bureau establishes the location of each pumping station and provides relevant information in KML format.
Data fields
Main equipment、Main pump: quantity、Main water pump: caliber、Main water pump: rated lift、Main Pump: Rated Water Flow、Diesel engine: quantity、Diesel engine: rated speed、Diesel engine: rated horsepower、Generator: Quantity、Generator: Power、Generator: Voltage、Water gate: Quantity、Gate valve type、Water gate: specifications、Laundering Machine: Quantity、Sewage suction truck: model、Sewage collection vehicle: specifications、Fuel system: Number of daily fuel tanks、Fuel system: Sun and moon fuel tank capacity、Fuel system: main fuel tank capacity、Fuel system: number of fuel pumps、Fuel system: Pump type、X、Y、LON、LAT
Contact person
鍾易廷 (04-22289111*53179)
Update frequency
Every 1 year
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2024-07-22 10:22
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Taichung City Water Resources Bureau sets up the location of each pumping stationGeographical data
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