Taichung Municipal Junior High School Class Number Approval Form (Year 104)
104 school year Taichung Municipal Elementary School Classes Number Approval Form
Data fields
Number、School name、The number of students in regular classes for the first grade in the 103rd school year.、Number of students in regular class_103 school year, Grade 2、Number of general class students_Third grade of the 103rd school year、The number of students in regular classes for the 103 academic year totaled、Regular Class Class Number_103 Academic Year First Grade、The number of regular class classes_103 academic year second grade、Regular class, class number _103 academic year, third grade、Regular class classes _ total for the 103 academic year、The number of students in regular classes for the 104th academic year, Grade 1.、The number of regular class students_Reduction of special students in the 104 academic year、General class class number_104 academic year, first grade、Normal class class number_104 academic year second grade、The number of classes in the regular class for the third grade of the academic year 104.、Regular Class Number _Total for the 104th Academic Year、The increase or decrease in the regular class compared to the previous school year.、Intermediary Educational Resources-Type Midway Class、Physical education class、Artistic talent class、Special Class for the Physically and Mentally Disabled、Special Class_Gifted and Talented、Total number of classes、Total number of students in regular class
Resources download link
Contact person
劉芹樺 (22289111+54219)
Update frequency
Every 1 year
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2024-12-19 09:05
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Number of classesNumber of students
The Taichung City Government OAS standard API documentation: https://datacenter.taichung.gov.tw/swagger/yaml/387040000E, Swagger generates the API documentation page web address. https://datacenter.taichung.gov.tw/swagger/api-docs/
Related datasets
- The number of regular classes and the number of students in each academic year in elementary school
- The number of classes and the number of students in general classes in each school year.
- 103 academic year Taichung municipal national middle school class number approval form
- The compilation of the number of classes in Penghu County elementary schools
- Penghu County National Middle School Class Number Summary
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