List of outstanding catering industry service providers dataset
This office encourages the catering industry that complies with the "Good Hygiene Practice (GHP)" to continue maintaining GHP standards and good hygiene self-management in order to improve food safety and provide consumers with reference for choice. Since 2010, a catering hygiene classification and assessment system has been implemented, with assessment teams composed of local health personnel and experts to assess the management of the operating premises, facilities, and quality control systems of catering operators. After on-site assessment by the assessment team, catering operators are classified as "excellent" and "good." In addition to publicizing the names of businesses that have passed the catering hygiene management classification assessment, each health bureau also awards the "Catering Hygiene Management Classification Assessment Mark (Excellent)" and the "Catering Hygiene Management Classification Assessment Mark (Good)" to eligible businesses. These marks can be displayed prominently in the dining area to provide consumers with reference when choosing a place to dine.
Data fields
Year、Food and Beverage Industry、Company Name、Business address、Level
Resources download link
Contact person
吳 小姐 (2787-7392)
Update frequency
Irregular updates
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2024-01-31 13:21
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
RestaurantExcellent restaurant operator
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