Area Age Gender Statistics Table - Scrub Typhus - Statistics by Onset Date (in Months)
Statistical table of the number of cases by region, age group, and gender since 2003 (disease name: scrub typhus, date category: onset date, case type: confirmed case, source of infection: domestic, imported from overseas)
Data fields
Confirmed diagnosis、Year of Onset、Onset month、County and city、Township、Gender、Is it imported from abroad?、Age group、Confirmed cases
Contact person
盧 小姐 (02-23959825#4055)
Update frequency
Every day
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2024-12-29 23:47
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
gender statisticsscrub-typhusDengue fever
Confirm the name of the disease, year of onset, month of onset, county/city, township, gender, whether it is imported from overseas, age group, confirmed number of cases.
Related datasets
- Please provide me with the text that needs to be translated into English.
- Area age gender statistics table - scrub typhus - daily statistics based on case investigation (weekly)
- Region Age Gender Statistics Table - Dengue Fever - Statistics by Confirmed Case Date (weekly basis)
- Area Age Gender Statistics Table - Dengue Fever - Statistics by Onset Date (in months)
- Area Age Gender Statistics Table - Dengue Fever - Statistics by Onset Date (in weeks)
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