The statistical table of the number of businesses in each county and city in the Taiwan and Fujian region (by tax method)
Please provide the statistics table of the number of businesses in each county and city in the Taiwan-Fujian area starting from 2010 (by tax classification).
Data fields
Year、City/County、Taxable general use invoice (Dual-Status Business Entities_General Tax Computation_Use Invoice)、Taxpaying generally exempt from self-payment (Dual-Status Business Entities_General Tax Computation_Exempt from use of invoice)、Tax-privileged special-use invoices for finance, insurance, and pawnshop businesses (Dual-Status Business Entities_Special Tax Computation_Use Invoice_Finance; Insurance and Pawnshops )、Taxable special use invoices are generally used in the food and beverage industry (Dual-Status Business Entities_Special Tax Computation_Use Invoice_Special Food and Beverage Services Enterprises_Regular)、Taxable special use invoice luxury food and beverage industry (Dual-Status Business Entities_Special Tax Computation_Use Invoice_Special Food and Beverage Services Enterprises_Luxurious)、Taxable special exempt self-payment (Dual-Status Business Entities_Special Tax Computation_Exempt from use of invoice)、Tax assessment for dual-status business entities.、Taxable special check vending (Dual-Status Business Entities_Special Tax Computation_Assessed by the Tax Authority for Business Tax_Street Vendors)、Special tax assessment for general food and beverage industry (Dual-Status Business Entities_Special Tax Computation_Assessed by the Tax Authority for Business Tax_Special Food and Beverage Services Enterprises_Regular)、Taxable special designated luxury food and beverage industry (Dual-Status Business Entities_Special Tax Computation_Assessed by the Tax Authority for Business Tax_Special Food and Beverage Services Enterprises_Luxurious)、Tax-exempt general use invoices (Tax Exemption Business Entities_General Tax Computation_Use Invoice)、Tax Exemption General Tax Computation Exempt from Use of Invoice、Tax exemption special use invoice financial insurance and pawnshop industry (Tax Exemption Business Entities_Special Tax Computation_Use Invoice_Finance; Insurance and Pawnshops)、Tax Exemption Special Use Invoice for General Food and Beverage Industry、Tax exemption special use invoice luxury dining industry、Tax Exemption Business Entities_Special Tax Computation_Exempt from use of invoices、Tax exemption specifically assesses regular special tax computations by the tax authority for business entities.、Tax-Exempt Special Tax Assessment for Street Vendors、Tax Exemption Business Entities_Special Tax Computation_Assessed by the Tax Authority for Business Tax_Special Food and Beverage Services Enterprises_Regular、Tax exemption special type of inspection of luxury food and beverage industry (Tax Exemption Business Entities_Special Tax Computation_Assessed by the Tax Authority for Business Tax_Special Food and Beverage Services Enterprises_Luxurious、Suspended Business Entities_Taxable_Declaration、The number of suspensions - determined levies - taxable (Suspended Business Entities_Taxable_Assessed by the Tax Authority for Business Tax)、Number of Suspended Businesses - Auto-deduction - Tax Exemption (Suspended Business Entities_Tax-exempt_Declaration)、The number of suspended businesses- tax exempt- assessed by the tax authority for business tax
Contact person
黃小姐 (02-27631833#1359)
Update frequency
Every year
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
Primary data
Updated time
2024-10-15 08:24
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Financial and tax information statisticsBusiness tax
Update frequency description: Every AugustAuthorization description URL:
Related datasets
- Tax Autopay Declaration Analysis Form for Businesses in Taiwan and Fujian Region (by County/City)
- Statistical Table of the Number of Companies and Non-Companies by Capital in the Taiwan and Fujian Region
- Statistical table of the number of businesses, sales revenue, and taxes levied on the operational sales tax check and levy on profit-making businesses in the Taiwan-Min area.
- Statistical table of the number of profitable businesses in various counties and cities in the Taiwan-Min region.
- The number of operating businesses in the Taiwan and Fujian region is calculated as a percentage based on various organizational tax assessment methods.
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