106-year 1st to 4th quarter deed tax collection
Source of information: Compiled based on the cancellation file data. (Unit: pieces; New Taiwan dollar)
Data fields
Years and months、Item、The number of actual applications this season (total)、The number of actual cases (tax-free) this season、Total number of actual cases filed (taxable) this quarter、Actual recruitment fee for this season、This season is levied on this tax、As of the end of this season, the total number of cases (cumulative) actually enforced、As of the end of this season, the cumulative number of actual cases (tax-free) collected.、As of the end of this season, the cumulative number of actual cases (taxable) collected.、Up to the end of this season, the cumulative number of actual cases collected.、As of the end of this season, the number of actual tax cases accumulated.
Contact person
林先生 (02-24331888#327)
Update frequency
Irregular updates
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
Primary data
Updated time
2024-12-06 08:20
Government statistics
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Government statistics
Related datasets
No available applications