Taiwan Forest Products Price Report
The provided information includes: the year of the Republic of China, the month, report code, report type, tree species code, tree species name, specifications, the average price in Luodong this month, the difference in average price in Luodong compared to last month, notes on price fluctuations in Luodong, the average price in Hsinchu this month, the difference in average price in Hsinchu compared to last month, notes on price fluctuations in Hsinchu, the average price in Dongshi this month, the difference in average price in Dongshi compared to last month, notes on price fluctuations in Dongshi, the average price in Nantou this month, the difference in average price in Nantou compared to last month, notes on price fluctuations in Nantou, the average price in Chiayi this month, the difference in average price in Chiayi compared to last month, notes on price fluctuations in Chiayi, the average price in Pingtung this month, the difference in average price in Pingtung compared to last month, notes on price fluctuations in Pingtung, the average price in Taitung this month, the difference in average price in Taitung compared to last month, notes on price fluctuations in Taitung, the average price in Hualien this month, the difference in average price in Hualien compared to last month, notes on price fluctuations in Hualien, average price this month, average price last month, percentage of price change, notes on price fluctuations, and other column data.
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Contact person
黃淑玲 (02-23545441#239)
Update frequency
Every January
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2024-08-22 16:09
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Dataset Category
Data archives
Forest productsForest Products Prices
Please refer to https://data.moa.gov.tw/open_detail.aspx?id284vH5YfHQjH for advanced search.
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