1537-02-01-2 Cultural Bureau of Taichung City Government and its affiliated agencies organize cultural and artistic activities.
The explanation of the situation of art and cultural activities organized by the Cultural Affairs Bureau of Taichung City GovernmentStatistical scope and objects: All activities held within the jurisdiction of this city, organized by this bureau and its affiliated agencies, involving visual arts, music, drama, dance, rap, film, folk art, literature, reading, variety shows, lectures, cultural tours, studies, and other integrated performing arts and cultural activities, are all statistical subjects.
Data fields
Area、Item、Field Name、Value、Data time date、Data cycle、Postal code、Agency code、Email、Mobile phone、Landline、County/City Code、Administrative area code
Resources download link
Contact person
謝宜廷 (22289111-25417)
Update frequency
Every 1 year
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2024-12-17 21:21
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Government statistics report
The API documentation standard of Taichung City Government OAS: https://datacenter.taichung.gov.tw/swagger/yaml/387330000E, Swagger generates the API documentation page URL: https://datacenter.taichung.gov.tw/swagger/api-docs/
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