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Datagov Opendata Platform

Statistical items definition:(1) Senior high school: Schools established in accordance with the Senior Secondary Education Act, its enforcement regulations, and the standards for the organization, establishment, and staffing of senior high schools.(2) Number of teachers: Refers to the actual number of full-time teachers (within the establishment), including principals (excluding those in institutions of higher education), teachers distributed in excess of allocated posts, full-time counseling teachers, long-term substitute teachers, special education class full-time teachers, indigenous full-time teachers, and instructors, but excluding sports coaches. Teachers on military service or unpaid leave are calculated based on the data of substitute teachers occupying actual vacancies. (3) Number of staff: Calculated based on the actual number of personnel in position (within the establishment) in accordance with Article 8 of the "Standards for the Organization, Establishment, and Staffing of Senior High Schools," including full-time personnel responsible for administrative work and general technical work (including technicians, assistant technicians, dietitians, nurses, full-time sports coaches, lifeguards or sports injury prevention officers, administrators, and internship supervisors, etc.).

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