20331-04-01-2 Taichung City Forestry (Timber Industry) Production Cost
The forestry (logging) production cost data of Taichung City, including: production value, quantity, total selling price. Production costs, standing timber price, logging and lumbering costs, collection costs, transportation costs, forest road opening costs, facility depreciation and maintenance costs, management costs (salaries), taxes, interest, forestry production costs - other; statistics are surveyed once a year, reported by each district office to the government for summary, and data can be provided after the end of the December survey in the following January.
Data fields
Area、Item、Field name、The value、Data time date、Data cycle、Postal code、Agency Code、Email、Mobile phone、Landline、County and City Codes、Administrative area code
Resources download link
Contact person
吳美燕 (22289111#56203)
Update frequency
Every year
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2024-12-23 15:23
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Government statistics reportProduction cost
The Taichung City Government OAS standard API documentation: https://datacenter.taichung.gov.tw/swagger/yaml/387270000G, Swagger generates the API documentation page URL. https://datacenter.taichung.gov.tw/swagger/api-docs/
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