Serious violation of GMP pharmaceutical factory
This dataset is a list of pharmaceutical companies that seriously violate GMP regulations and have serious GMP deficiencies. If there is a direct concern about product quality and public safety regarding the people's use of the medication, the company will be ordered to partially stop production of certain products, dosage forms, or the entire factory, or will not be allowed to sell them. The company must follow the regulations on product recalls, and within the specified time, they must recall the products and report back to the authority, and the products must not be circulated in the market. The company must also submit an improvement report and corrective and preventive measures within the specified time, and after confirmation by the authority, the company's name can be taken off the list. This dataset is updated on the authority's website simultaneously to provide further use for consumers, businesses, or medical professionals.
Data fields
Factory name、Address、Manufacturing date、Release date、Category
Resources download link
Contact person
朱 先生/小姐 (2787-7175)
Update frequency
Every 1 year
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2024-11-28 14:19
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Violation of GMPSerious violation of GMP pharmaceutical factory