Food Balance Sheet Classification Table (Historical Wheat)
The data provided includes: year, domestic production (thousand metric tons), international trade - import quantity (thousand metric tons), international trade - export quantity (thousand metric tons), inventory change quantity (thousand metric tons), domestic supply quantity (thousand metric tons), distribution of domestic supply - feed use (thousand metric tons), distribution of domestic supply - seed use (thousand metric tons), distribution of domestic supply - processing use (thousand metric tons), distribution of domestic supply - loss quantity (thousand metric tons), distribution of domestic supply - gross food supply quantity (thousand metric tons), distribution of domestic supply - edible rate (thousand metric tons), distribution of domestic supply - net food supply quantity (rice) (thousand metric tons), per capita net food supply quantity - per year (kilograms), per capita net food supply quantity - per day (grams), per capita daily nutrient supply quantity - calories (calories), per capita daily nutrient supply quantity - protein (grams), per capita daily nutrient supply quantity - fat (grams), per capita daily nutrient supply quantity - carbohydrates (grams), per capita daily nutrient supply quantity - calcium (milligrams), per capita daily nutrient supply quantity - phosphorus (milligrams), per capita daily nutrient supply quantity - iron (milligrams), per capita daily nutrient supply quantity - vitamin A (international units i.u.), per capita daily nutrient supply quantity - vitamin B1 (milligrams), per capita daily nutrient supply quantity - vitamin B2 (milligrams), per capita daily nutrient supply quantity - niacin (milligrams), per capita daily nutrient supply quantity - vitamin C (milligrams), and other field data.
Data fields
year、plant_type、yield produced within the country、import、export、stock_change、supply_feed、provide_seed、supply_process、supply_loss、supply_gross_food、supply_edible_rate、supply_pure_food、person_every_year_food、individual mundane nourishment、person_everyday_calorie、person_everyday_protein_g、person_everyday_fat_g、individual_normal_carbohydrates_g、person_everyday_Ca_mg、person_everyday_P_mg、person_everyday_Fe_mg、person_everyday_vitamin_A_mg、person_everyday_vitamin_B1_mg、person_everyday_vitamin_B2_mg、person_everyday__niaci_mgn、person_everyday_vitamin_C_mg
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Contact person
徐瑜瑛 (049-2332380#2538)
Update frequency
Every year
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2024-06-27 15:50
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Food balance sheet
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