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Statistical item definitions:(1) School building: refers to various types of buildings in the school. Including regular classrooms, special classrooms, offices, auditoriums, libraries, practice places, indoor sports facilities, restaurants, dormitories, and other buildings.(2) Regular classroom: refers to a general classroom.(3) Special classroom: refers to classrooms with specific purposes, such as audio-visual classrooms, art classrooms, music classrooms, home economics classrooms, military training classrooms, drawing classrooms, computer classrooms, craft classrooms, etc.(4) Office: includes the principal's office, staff offices, meeting rooms, health rooms, lactation rooms, staff rest rooms, conference rooms, guard rooms, etc.(5) Auditorium: includes auditoriums combined with gyms, student activity centers.(6) Library: includes data rooms, reading rooms, exhibition rooms, archives, etc.(7) Practice place: refers to places providing students with internships, such as laboratories, factories, farms (with building parts), internship hospitals, internship banks, internship stores, etc.(8) Indoor sports facility: includes indoor gymnasiums and indoor swimming pools.(9) Restaurant: including the kitchen.(10) Staff dormitory: limited to those owned by the school, not counting those leased by employees independently.(11) Student dormitory: the quantity is filled with the number of beds, and the area is calculated as a whole room or building.(12) Other school buildings: any school buildings not listed by name inside a building are included as others, such as armories, sports equipment rooms, corridors or toilets not included in the calculation of the entire building area, only fill in the area.(13) Total floor area of the school building: refers to the sum of the floor areas of the school buildings on each floor.

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