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Datagov Opendata Platform

1. Scope and Object of Statistics: Cases categorized as Class 1 events under the Regulations Governing the Reporting, Grading, Classification, Handling, and Investigation of Child and Youth Protection Reports within this city will be included in the statistics, regardless of whether they are new or old cases.2. Statistical Standard Time: The first quarter refers to January to March, the second quarter refers to April to June, the third quarter refers to July to September, and the fourth quarter refers to October to December.3. Classification Standards: (1) Investigation and Number of Cases Opened: Classification based on the number of individuals involved in the investigation, the number of cases opened, the number of individuals currently under investigation, etc. (2) Number and Reasons for Death in Cases: Classification based on deaths due to abuse by parents (guardians, caregivers), deaths due to severe neglect by parents (guardians, caregivers), suicides by parents (guardians, caregivers) after killing their children, deaths due to illness or accident during placement under social workers, and other categories. (3) Protection and Placement: Classification based on cases where the individual still resides at home, 72-hour emergency placements, continued placements, and other placement situations, etc.4. For detailed information and descriptions, please refer to the "Taichung City Government Official Statistics Information Network - Query of Official Statistics Plans for Various Agencies".

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