Statistical table of region, age, and gender - Q fever - statistics based on onset date (in weeks)
Statistics table of the number of cases by region, age group, and gender since 2003 (Disease name: Q fever, Type of date: Onset date, Type of case: Confirmed case, Source of infection: Local, Imported)
Data fields
Confirm the diagnosis、Year of Onset、Week of onset、County or city、Township、Gender、Is it an imported case from overseas?、Age group、Confirmed cases
Contact person
盧 小姐 (02-23959825#4055)
Update frequency
Every day
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2024-12-30 13:19
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Q-feverQQ fevergender statistics
Confirm the name of the disease, year of onset, week of onset, county, township, gender, whether it is imported from abroad, age group, and number of confirmed cases.
Related datasets
- Statistical table of region, age, and gender - Q fever - Statistics according to the date of onset (in months).
- Spatial, Age, and Gender Statistics Table - Q Fever - Statistics by Case Study Date (Weekly)
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