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Datagov Opendata Platform

The information is provided by the National Health Administration of the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the National Health Research Institutes' "National Health Interview Survey." The survey uses face-to-face interviews to collect various data related to the health status of the population. For more information, please refer to the "National Health Interview Survey" website (http://nhis.nhri.org.tw/).The definition of "percentage of population aged 18 and above who drank more than 1 standard drink in the past month" is the percentage of those aged 18 and above who drank more than 13 grams of pure alcohol in the past month. The calculation formula is: the number of individuals aged 18 and above who drank more than 13 grams of pure alcohol in the past month divided by the number of valid interviews of individuals aged 18 and above, multiplied by 100%. Pure alcohol content (grams) container capacity (milliliters) x quantity (cups, bottles, cans, etc.) x corresponding alcohol concentration (%) x 0.79 (alcohol density).

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